We Stop the Pain So You Can Play Golf
1,600+ Safe Regenerative Medicine Procedures Completed in Aiken, SC
- Avoid Surgery
- Drug Free Solutions
- Over 30+ Years of Experience in Aiken
- Get to the Root Cause of Your Pain
We Offer Pain Relief Solutions That You Haven't Tried Yet.
Our approach to treating Pain here at Aiken Physical Medicine is simple. Get to the root cause. Figure out what solution is best, and give your body the treatments to naturally regenerate tissue and actually HEAL the pain.
No more covering up the pain with steroids that just make it worse over time.
No more dangerous pain medications with terrible side effects. We have over 30 years of experience, and are the leader in Regenerative Therapies that used to only be available to the super wealthy or professional athletes.
We Treat the Most Common Golf Injuries
We Get to the Root Cause and Finally Start Feeling Better Fast!
- Knee Pain
- Back Pain
- Osteoarthritis
- Hip Pain
- Neuropathy
- Bone On Bone
- Shoulder Pain
- Bulging Disk
- Plantar Fasciitis

No More Steroid Injections
We specialize in giving your body exactly what it needs to jump start the healing process. Regenerative Medicine therapies have come so far in the past few years, that the treatments typically reserved for professional golfers (and the ultra-wealthy) are now available to you.

Stop Popping Pills with Terrible Side Effects
Experience the benefits of specialized tissue injections designed to support your specific needs, and w explore non-invasive solutions known for their potential effectiveness in managing discomfort and pain. Experience what the pro-athletes have been using for years.

True Healing is
Possible for You!
Get Back Out on the Golf Course Fast! Our procedures typically require very little downtime, maybe a couple of days. All procedures are done in the office and you will leave that day without having to “go under” or worry about anesthesia or having to use crutches or be laid up for weeks at a time.
Our expert team is here to help you achieve true healing.
We feel that typical “pain managment” gets it wrong. We believe that the human body has a tremendous ability to heal itself, and we find it very ineffective to continue to cover up the pain with steroid injections or harmful medications. We want to get to the root cause of what is causing you your pain. Address that with biologic support intended to jump start your own healing process, and actually stop the pain at it’s source.
Our Patients are Getting Back Out on the Course Without Pain!
"These practitioners have so much experience

Valerie and David were both told that surgery was the only option. They chose Regenerative Medicine and they are both doing awesome!
"I literally could not walk

Martha has been a patient for over 12 years! Pain Free! Just comes in for maintenence treatments to keep her optimal.

Used Regenerative Medicine
to Eliminate Neck Pain

"I'm Back out on the course after 2 years of missing Golf because of my joint pain."
Jeff I.
You May Have Seen Us on TV!

We feel that typical “pain management” gets it wrong. We believe that the human body has a tremendous ability to heal itself, and we find it very ineffective to continue to cover up the pain with steroid injections or harmful medications. We want to get to the root cause of what is causing you pain. With over 35+ years experience, we are confident we can help.

Why Choose Aiken Physical Medicine?

Our Experience. Nobody in the Aiken area has more experience than we do with treating Golf related injuries with Regenerative Medicine procedures. Bill Durrett, MD is a specialist, and has performed over 1600+ Regenerative Therapies in the past few years. He is the guy you have been searching for.

Safety is our #1 priority. The biggest concern most patient have with Regenerative Medicine is whether or not it is safe. It is very safe, in fact the only side effects people experience is a little swelling and pain at the injection site. The only risk is to your wallet. Like any procedure, Regenerative Medicine doesn’t work 100% of the time. But, most patients experience a significant reduction in pain, even after just one treatment.

We get so frustrated when we see what typical “pain management” doctors do to cover up the pain. Steroid injections every few months that just deteriorate the injection site and make things way worse long term. We get to the root cause, no cover ups. Your pain will go away with the healing of the area, and that’s the point of Regenerative Medicine.

You will feel our passion for what we do from the very first phone call you have with us. It will only become more apparent on your first visit. We know it’s cliche to tell people that we treat our patients like “family” but it’s true. EVERY procedure we do, we think about how we would want our family to be treated, and we go above and beyond every step of the way. You will notice a difference when you step through our door. We just care more than most other medical clinics.
What is Regenerative Medicine?
The human body has an incredible ability to heal itself. Whether it’s a skin wound that repairs, a broken bone that mends, or even a liver from a living donor that regenerates in just a few weeks, the body is constantly working to restore balance. Now, imagine if science could harness this natural healing power to address your pain.
This is where regenerative medicine steps in—moving beyond simple disease management to find therapies that actively support the body in repairing, regenerating, and restoring itself to a state of optimal health.
We use the most leading edge therapies available to help to slow, and in some instances reverse the degenerative conditions that keep you off the golf course. Regenerative medicine therapies stimulate the body’s own healing mechanisms. These groundbreaking advancements offer new hope, paving the way for improved care and better quality of life and get you playing golf without pain!